Timeless Gratitude to you, Mooji Baba for bringing me HOME.
Welcome to Mooji Sangha Vibe — a bright, bold, colourful explosion of creativity and joy expressed from the Mooji Sangha family.
This blog is a home for the outpouring of creativity that is born from each one’s internal silent experience of That which Moojibaba points us to. It is an offering of love for our spiritual master, for each other and for Truth.
Here, we hope you discover things that make you smile or laugh, that lift your spirit, that touch your heart, that silence your mind and help you sink into the vast depths of your being. We hope you discover beauty, inspiration, fellowship. And, we delight that you have a chance to meet us through our offerings and expressions, and in meeting us, our great hope is that you meet your very own Self.
We are always open to suggestions, feedback, and anything else you might wish to share, so please drop us a line anytime at team@moojisanghavibe.org. If you are a member of Mooji’s Sangha, you may also submit your work to the blog here.
Much love!
Mooji Sangha Vibe Team
Moojibaba is a renowned spiritual teacher, who guides his disciples to the non-dual understanding of their true nature, pointing a direct path to freedom beyond the personal ego-mind.
Sangha refers to a community of people who have devoted themselves to Self-realisation and who serve one another as they journey home together. Mooji Sangha is such a group, growing together through the most beautiful, powerful, auspicious and alive guidance of Moojibaba, who points a direct path to freedom.
Timeless Gratitude to you, Mooji Baba for bringing me HOME.
We love making music together when it flows naturally and from our heart.
Heart's waves was gracefully inspired by Guruji and lovingly offered back to Guruji as One voice from Heart !
The text for "Don't worry " was inspired by beloved Mooji's pointings.
O the one, whose profound silence can awaken the supreme knowledge in ourselves, from Dakshinamurthy stotram
This song was prepared spontaneously for S-Factor. It began with Risha and Prakash jamming and then sending Siddhartha the recording for feedback.
In deep contemplation of the prayer,
'Holy Father, let me exist by the light of your eyes only,,,,,
Come my son
Come my daughter
Step inside through this doorway...
Unending compassion
Watercolour drawing of Lord Hanuman – the embodiment of the true devotee.
Before the beginning
You are pure consciousness....
This is a tribute to the glowing light in all our lives!
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. - Hafiz
An animated journal made in quarantine in response to being asked how do I listen and hear my heart. All fruits and reflections from satsang.
"Identify with nothing at all
and you come to see that Which Is....
The natural space of creativity arises following Satsang contemplation.
Yearning ❤️
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”~ Jesus Christ ~
I enjoy working with the primary colors only. I use a large painters brush. I had subtly snuck in quotes into the background of the art work that have been deepening my inquiry.
Our beloved fire ceremony bhajan in a modern context with Aine on the vocals.
The painting and the writing is inspired from Rumi's poem Buoyancy. The verse says:
To praise is to praise
how one surrenders
to the emptiness.
All the paintings lead to you, all come through you :) love
Jai Gurudev
Illustration to the story of Papaji of one King who looks for someone who can be a Prince
Arunachala Yogi Ramsuratkumar
ki Jai!
Moojiji ki Jai!
God created man in His image
By His Grace
As I look in the mirror
I see mySelf
In His Eyes
Divine mirror
The Truest Selfie
The Self in which I die
′′ Brahmananda Swarupa,
Isha Jagadisha
Akhilananda Swarupa,
Isha Mahesha “
This song reminds us in a light-hearted way, that whatever we are facing in life, we can always find something to be grateful for.
Love and gratitude Guruji!
Watercolor inspired by contemplation and reflections from satsang and this great God life.
I draw different pictures, it's like an expression of insights after Satsang, there is also a series of works about one of my favorite saints, Jesus Christ.
Beyond Wider is a gift to share from the heart. Originally a poem; the urge to sing came and a collaboration made this lovely piece for peace from peace.
All alone just this raft and me
and the land that touches the sea
wait who am I?
and where is my boundary?
This animation is what I understand and feel about Guruji. He is formless with form like an Ocean appearing as fish. Special thanks to Vineetji for guiding me to make this video.
Thank you Mooji for Papaji
Thank you Papaji for Moojiji
The language of art and creativity has been as natural as breathing in this life... A way to express the inexpressible. In satsang, the creative process has been deeply revealing as well as blessedly supportive to my seeing. Art and creativity is a precious gift from God. Whatever he puts in this heart, is choicelessly expressed...
This is my heart, Which is all yours
These words came from listening to satsang, and I hope they are full of the silence of the love that inspire
The loving gaze from my Guru simply takes me to where I always AM.
This piano piece came from a place of stillness, and would like to offer it to the Sangha with deep appreciation and blessings that each one find peace and be happy.
Thank you Moojibaba, thank you Sangha.
Jai Gurudev
Many times in satsang Guruji mentioned the story of the Cow that jumped over the moon. The moon represents our ego, and the Cow represents our earnest self. Jumping over the moon, meant jumping over all delusions and attachments , rather than dealing with them one by one.
This metaphor really touched me and one night this painting sprouted.
Beloved Mooji,
You have lit my candle
may I burn Eternaly in You
You are the sky, the ocean,
the mind and body,
You are myself and I Am.
Love you, love you, love you
Painting of my Master Moojibaba.
Oil pastel on paper.
‘In You- I Am’
I draw different pictures, it's like an expression of insights after Satsang, there is also a series of works about one of my favorite saints, Jesus Christ.
"Our Father" is a song inspired by the following passage from the bible...
We are happy to share with you the new EP from Blue Lotus!...
Unattached am I , Unattached am I,
(Asangoham Asangoham…….)
The clouds of sensations, thoughts, Feelings I am not
I am the canvas on which they appear,
I am the witness,
Unattached am I , Unaffected am I….
This song has been inspired by The Invitation to Freedom. Through the lyrics I would be reminded of the highest purpose of this life. After meeting with Omraj and singing for him the melody he came up with the guitar chords and the song found its natural flow. It is a humble recollection of all the beauty and power that Guruji showed to us
A beautiful spontaneous musical prayer from Paul and Brahmdev, which is offered in Love and Hope for Peace, to all those suffering in the current conflict in Ukraine.
Thank you Father that we are able to express freely this love for You, for our Beloved Master
Moojibaba, for life, our families, sisters and brothers across the World.
third painting is at Monte Sahaja,
so is my heart.
Arunachala Yogi Ramsuratkumar
ki Jai!
Moojiji ki Jai!
O’ Sky, you say..
’come, come, enjoy this play. Let it not be taken seriously, it’s not here to stay.
Come let me show you a simpler way.
Hush, be still and simply say..
‘ I am here, I am here.
This is the way.
Simply simple, now enjoy the play.
~ Mekaila
Listening to the Satsang on Sahaja Express (meeting with Zenji) tears flowed and a prayer arose in the heart:
Wash my eyes clean, of "me".
And then this poem came.
This beautiful, powerful story was shared during an offering of Sacred Stories on Sahaja Express. It comes from the Shiva Puranas, and tells the origin of the sacred mountain Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai, India.
Guru Kripa Kevalam!
The full collection of stories is available here, with all proceeds coming to Sahaja:
Piano ~ Gotama
Violin ~ Brahmdev
Flute ~ Sri Ram
Video Visuals ~ Yuri
This painting is a praise to the Supreme Self. Praise be to Sri Moojibaba. He has put these paintings (oil) in my heart to do, and then he does them in me and I bathe their darshan. Mysterious are his ways. I pray
I never understand them, lest I stop gazing at His supreme beauty. Thank you God.
This music arose from the heart and I would like to share it with the sangha. Thank you. Much Love.
Greetings friends, far and wide! May we all continue to grow and connect from within, may we all find the love and the light which forever shines within all life! Har Har Mahadev!!
This song came during full moon Guru Purnima 2021as a thank you to beloved Moojibaba.Music and production by Ben. All that is here is YouYour beautiful, peaceful energyDetached from all phenomenaMmm You guide us home GurujiYou are our Guiding LightReminding us of our true placeMmm Om thank youOm thank youOm thank youMmm I bow to […]
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
The mind is maya was a spontaneous piece of abstract art that came about during Self Inquiry. “Everything is magical when you see it with your heart.” – Mooji Amen!
My heart is Yours, dear Moojibaba. Thank You!
This drawing came while contemplating these words from Guruji.The simplicity of his words, the kindness in his eyes and the way he is totally at home in himself is true inspiration for me. When I paint him I acknowledge the darshan and blessing it is to be on this path with him.
While the Self is so deep and profound it also joyous, silly and encapsulated everything. Creating the spoken words was a lot of fun, to explore how the profound and profane can sit together and enrich each other in a humorous way that hopefully people can resonate with, on these different levels.
This ‘Holy Land’ song came during the days following the One Sangha Gathering 2021. Truly this heart overflows with love for our beloved Gurudev, the Sangha and Holy land of Sahaja. Glory to you! Holy land of SahajaHoly Children of the SanghaHoly Father MoojibabaBless us, bless usBless us GodBless us, bless us as oneOMSaha navavatuSaha […]
Lyrics of this song are Moojibaba's words and it is inspired by Shivali's soulful interpretation. Blessed is the day on which we speak these words as our own.
Thanks to Guruji that I recognise who I Am, that I find the light within.
This is Moojibaba's Gracious Boat which carries us safely to the other side of the ocean of Samsara.
At the end of a Satsang in Papaji’s cafe Anand shared with Guruji what he was feeling in the moment. After finishing, Guruji said “Now you have to sing a song”, and Anand actually did sing something. At the end of the song, Guruji playfully said “SadhuOm you have to put a soundtrack to that […]
The sun of presence shines
Summer lies within
"We contemplate the glory of the light that illuminates the three worlds: dense, subtle and causal.
I am that life-giving power, love, radiant enlightenment, and the divine grace of universal intelligence.
We pray for that divine light to illuminate our minds."
(Translation / interpretation of the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra)
This art work came about in a spontaneous manner. The drawing begins with asking ‘who draws?’ All the art movements come from deepening into the source of where they arise. I have started using this as meditative art.
Beloved Guruji, you’re a true OG
An Original Guru, helping me to see
Helping me to see, so I can truly be
Once and for all, timelessly free
Timelessly free, where nothing really is
No more, nor less, just pure consciousness
On Christmas evening, ‘The Invitation online sangha’ held a beautiful zoom concert. We celebrated the birth of Jesus and the immense joy of walking in this life with our beloved Moojibaba, light of the living Christ. We had also prepared in advance, a video of sangha singing ‘Silent Night’ in various languages. We wish to […]
From all of us in Monte Sahaja
This is a painting of the Transfiguration of Jésus realised after the drawing session of the last One Sangha Gathering. Here’s the text from the Bible, Matthew 17:1-8: After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was […]
Oil painting Portrait of Moojibaba This painting was made with love, joy, and gratitude, using oil paints with knifes. Normally, I like to play with the oil paints; with this, my first portrait, I was at first too much in my head and tried to copy the photo exactly, but then I let this go […]
This is an animated video of a part of one of Mooji’s satsangs. I illustrated the words and messages as close as I could in order to help spread this powerful and important message.
A poem about my journey with my Master Moojibaba.
Inside my veins your name whispered
as softly woven branches of a tree,
hands clasped towards the heavens, I was.
The words to this song I directly drank from my beloved father Moojiji's mouth. I didn't change a word. Also the chords flowed with them by themselves. I just play and sing it in love and joy.
Thank you Moojiji!
Spontaneous utterances that reflect the strenght, wisdom and potency of a true Sangha.
Called out by life
in all of its forms
a family is recognized
OM Dum Durgaye Namaha
Salutations to Mother Durga,
the all powerful Goddess
who swiftly destroys any negative energy,
so we can rest
in the silence of Being.
In this beautiful morning walk, Moojibaba reflects on the glory of God, and the true nature of God. It’s combined with some light flute and drone music. The spirit of Grace is rich in this talk, and the original version can be found on YouTube under the same title. The original video of these beautiful […]
Arunachala Ramana love
Moojibaba Sahaja love :)
This picture came during One Sangha Gathering and I wanted to draw how it was, all these beautiful faces, vibes and Sahaja at my home.
A poem that I wrote, along with some digital art work, summarizing some of the insights that I gained through the guidance of teachers like Mooji, Eckhart Tolle and Alan Watts.
Sketch of Moojibaba with pencils.
A little animation loop set to music by Siddhartha, captures the feeling I get of receiving Guruji’s words and being set free by them!
These are some poems arising from my own satsang and discovery following Moojibaba's precious pointings and teachings.
“Many Masks you have worn and worn out. No face is your true face”. The pathless path of dropping everything I am not. Thank you Guruji Mooji Baba for everything.
I write poems that come into my heart from the emptiness.
Watercolours experiments. Lord Buddha peace and serenity expressed through diversity of colours. We can enjoy these world gifts, but much better to enjoy them when you are Awake:)
Anandamayi Ma ki jai! Moojibaba ki Jai! Salutations to all saints and sages!
A song from Krishna Prasad with lyrics by Prama. Gotama and Omkara join in on the recording.
Powerful Satsang with inspired beats in the background
At the feet of my beloved Guruji with immense gratitude.
If I were to live for one day only,
even for a breath of time,
let that moment be lived in Truth.
OM Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Salutations to You, Lord Ganesha!
So much gratitude for the love of the Sangha, for Mooji Baba’s Presence and pointings. This poem came and was recorded spontaneously in December 2018. Big thanks to Nirvan for the videography and beautiful music that bring it to life. Much Love!
A painting of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi in a landscape, his hands are on the earth with his head in the sky.
Inspired by Guruji’s full love and freedom, a spontaneous offering to his Presence.. painting during the Zoom session at OSG 2021 ! Timeless love and gratitude Most beloved one !
Hallelujah is a song of praise and joy
My Lord took away
All the heavy burden
My Lord showed the way
To deconstruct this person
Pushed to look beyond my mind
Seek what lays within
Oh the Glory that I've found!
Oh the glory that I've found
I draw different pictures, it’s like an expression of insights after Satsang, There is also a series of works about one of my favorite saints, Jesus Christ.
The gratitude and reverence for the Master overflowing and expressed through writings and poetry.
'The Real Unknown' is a cool, fun rap rewrite of 'The Next Episode' by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg...
Drawing of Ma Devaki Salutations to all the Saints and Sages that illumine our paths, hearts and minds to find and be what they are – the Timeless Being.
Thank you Moojiji for being the proof
that all religion is One
that all is One
And that One is Zero
This song came very spontaneously. While I was writing the beat Janu popped in to the office and I asked him to record his voice. The next day when I was mixing the beat and voice, Bramdev came to practice violin in the studio. I asked him if he liked this song that I was […]
A portrait in charcoal of Guruji with closed eyes where you can feel the peace, stillness and love He is.
A gallery of the incredible artwork appearing around Monte Sahaja in honor of our Guruji, Moojibaba
Watercolor painting, part of a collection called “Illustrations from Sahaja Joy” Yogi RamuratkumarYogi RamuratkumarYogi RamuratkumarJaya Guru Raya!
Inspired by Mooji’s pointings I wrote this story for my children. By the grace of our beloved father in Rishikesh 2017 I was allowed to tell this story for the 1st time. Together with my daughter Raphaela who painted the pictures we published the story. In Zmar 2019 it was possible to give it to […]
I have always loved Ramana Maharshi’s expression of deep kindness and innocence, and painting his portrait brought deep joy. Watercolours on paper.
This song is a devotional mash-up of genres around the world, including a beautiful choir from the Maasai tribe in Tanzania. For your enjoyment and upliftment, with love.
~ Oil painting on canvas ~
A painting that arose in me as a symbol of surrendering the life I don’t have to Truth
I’m not black, I’m not white, I’m not brown, I’m not pink, I’m not yellow or green,I’m just free, not yellow or red, I’m just me. I’m not one, I’m not two, I’m not three.I’m just free, I’m just me, I’m just happy to be, I’m just me. I see the clouds passing by, my […]
For all that I have received from mooji.org,
I offer this simple poem,
That I may be part of the world-wide sangha,
Awakening to Truth–
As revealed by Sri Moojibaba–
And collectively singing
Our Songs of Satsang.
Blessed be.
And so it is.
Piano Dreams is a collection of seven soothing piano improvisations that have been recorded in a quiet and peaceful night full of stars in Monte Sahaja.
I would like to share some of the work that has been arising from the inspiring insights I’ve received from Moojibaba’s pointings. I roll beads made of nothing but rose petals and have been doing this for over 20 years. The beads are not well known, yet have a rich history: they were first made […]
Duppy is a ghost
Like ego, he has no real being
You don't want him around
These artworks were done in the Himalayas several years ago. With big fire inside, I painted a series of pictures there, some of them just quickly and spontaneously showed up on canvas. Amazing feeling of deep inspiration and silence that I am so happy to share
It was the first piece of art I attempted as an adult following a beautiful Rishikesh satsang season. As I started drawing and painting the Ohm Nama Sivaya mantra started coming from inside.
An original acrylic painting painted on canvas. Inspired by the story of the Golden Buddha and the boundless light and peace of Him this painting was painted at the end of November, 2020 in Lithuania.
A song in Russian inspired by contemplating the true self.
Digital painting of our beautiful, timeless Master, Moojibaba
"George" is a story about all of us, a playful representation of the journey of transcendence. When I met Moojibaba he used to tell us this story in Satsang and that's what inspired this song to come to life.
Out of Silence these words flow
I dedicate them all to You
Beloved Guruji
Beloved Sangha
Through You
For You
Only You
Zero Baby! is a funky, fun, 80’s style pop song with surprising depth that is inspired by Mooji's pointings to the place of “zero”. It arose over the holiday season, in a time when the Monte Sahaja sangha were expressing their playful and creative sides.
I discovered Mooji 3 years ago. I scrolled through videos on YouTube, and one video kept following me in recommended. Kind eyes were staring at me from the cover. I watched him since then, as his words were reflecting deep in my heart.
A short instrumental piano based piece that came after the One Sangha Gathering. So much love and gratitude to Moojibaba and all Sangha. Jaya Gurudeva.
This song was spontaneously created with beloved friends, in the full spirit of love, during a stay in Monte Sahaja. Inspired by the gratitude and appreciation to the Lord Supreme and His creation.
Featured in the song are:
Omraj – Guitar & Vocals
Deva Priya – Vocals
Santosh – Cajon
With the Grace of Guruji this came inspired by the Mala of God. Painting is always like deep meditation for me. Being zero and only love.
Some time ago, Moojibaba spoke playfully yet earnestly about how wonderful it would be for everyone in Sahaja to know some “Sahaja basics”—and the starting point was to learn how to cook Chapati and Dahl! Gopal, a wonderful Indian Chef, and Rajan, the manager of the much-loved local cafe and restaurant, Casa Nirvana, swiftly set […]
Every time Mooji told the story of seeing an image of Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders, and then later seeing an image of Shiva Nataraja dancing on top of the world, these two images joined together in my mind. So, I created this digital image and presented it to Moojibaba while I was […]
Tumbled stained glass with images of Guruji and Papaji screen printed on, using Sahaja dust in art gel medium. Covered with UV resin.
This song is a simple and joyful expression about meeting our beloved Moojibaba in the heart, and a prayer for all beings.
On discovering I've been pretending to be an arrogant ass … such sillyness! The joy of realising that 'me' is not me, after all.
There’s a star in the night sky that doesn’t move: The Polar Star. As the Earth rotates, it gives the impression that all the other stars are moving around this one star. Like this we are guided by Guruji to notice that stillness within, from where everything else arises, dances for a brief moment and […]
This painting portrays the great Advaita masters Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Poonja (lovingly called Papaji) and Sri Moojibaba. Much gratitude to these great masters who radiate such profound wisdom, unconditional love and who tirelessly work in service to support all seeking souls on the path of awakening.
This portrait was created while drawing in the Zoom Portrait Session during One Sangha Gathering 🙂
Your presence makes this heart grow flowers
And these flowers grow solely for your feet.
An endless unseen adorning.
A joyous cycle the Lord doth keep.
Arunachala Yogi Ramsuratkumar ki Jai!Moojiji ki Jai!
Under the moon of enlightenement the Buddha enjoys a cup of coffee.
Watercolor, graphite and Indian ink, 2021.
You are under grace,
you are in God’s hands
This song was inspired from Moojibaba reading the Ashtavakra Gita chapter on Awareness.
Watercolor painting, part of a collection called “Illustrations from Sahaja Joy”
I lived my life in ignorance and pride
For lives.
Hanging on each dream,
Falling for each story,
Eager and happy to take birth again and again
Just to finally meet You
For unknown reasons, I have always loved Ganesh. It brings great joy to me to follow the brush which paints him over and again.
Watercolour painting of Lord Buddha
"Zero" is a song inspired by Mooji’s pointings, the Holy mountain Arunachala and the recognition that wherever we find ourselves, the Guru is in our own Heart.
Who knows the Sweetness
of abandoning Oneself
at the feet of the Supreme?
"I am Consciousness dancing inside my infinite stillness"
Painted with acrylic paint and varnish on plywood.