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March 10, 2023

In deep contemplation of the prayer,
'Holy Father, let me exist by the light of your eyes only,'
this drawing arose from the heart for my Beloved's birthday.

Our Father, Our Light, Our Heart….

By your Grace Father, only by your Grace, it is so.

God Bless you Guruji.
In deepest love, respect and gratitude Father, I live at your feet.

(White pencil crayon on black paper)

About Beki

By God's Grace, in this life, I was brought to Guruji's feet. I was born to meet you Father, in the heart, and it is the deepest blessing and honour to walk in this life with you. I live on my knees in endless gratitude and deep reverence….. Thank you Beloved Guruji, Thank you Sangha. All Glory To God

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