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Inspiration received from Moojibaba
June 29, 2021

I would like to share some of the work that has been arising from the inspiring insights I've received from Moojibaba's pointings.

I roll beads made of nothing but rose petals and have been doing this for over 20 years. The beads are not well known, yet have a rich history: they were first made in India before Christ and then in the 1500's the beads were adopted by the Catholic faith and became the "rosary". The beads keep the fragrance of the rose petals they are made from for a very long time and are very durable.

About Vikash Knox

I am a craftsman, kirtan singer, gardener and lover of the non-dual truth as expounded by Moojibaba. I live a rural lifestyle on the southwest coast of British Columbia with my dear wife and community. I am a grateful person as I have many blessings in life, the most important of which is having a true spiritual master and an urge for awakening in this lifetime.

See more about Vikash's work here.

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