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Empty and Free
June 4, 2021

Alice had a great fall
All the King’s horses
and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Alice back
Together again
Empty and free
She is
She’d fallen asleep
Under a tree
And got caught in a dream

She touched the past,
Got caught in a cloud
She touched a thought,
Got caught in a web
She touched the future,
Got caught in imagination

She touched now,
Got caught in time
She touched here,
Got caught in a distance

She ate a thought
Got caught in a belief
She ate a belief
Got caught in a conditioning
She ate a conditioning
Got caught in a reaction

She ate a memory
got caught in a projection
She ate a fear
Got caught in hell

She ate all those
and dreamed she was Alice
a slave

Alice had a great fall
She went up the tree,
sat on a branch
And saw little Alice
down there
Touching and eating
and… getting caught !

As she witnessed all those
She fell…
And fell …
And fell …
Like Humpty Dumpty
who sat on a wall

Alice had a great fall
All the King’s horses
and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Alice back
Together again…

Empty and free
She is
As Is

Alice had a great fall
She vanished into
And Here
She’s merged into God’s Heart

There was a great fall
Empty and free she is

About Laurence

I am deeply touched by Beauty in all its expressions. Poetry, music and singing simply move me beyond everything into the Heart. They are doors through which Love flows and pervades my entire Being. Moojibaba says prayer is food for the Soul. Art would be its language. What prayer is to breathing in, art is to breathing out. This one explored writing, theater, photography, singing, … the more empty, the more inspired! Thank You Guruji for the artist You are :)

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