Alice had a great fall
All the King’s horses
and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Alice back
Together again
Empty and free
She is
She’d fallen asleep
Under a tree
And got caught in a dream
She touched the past,
Got caught in a cloud
She touched a thought,
Got caught in a web
She touched the future,
Got caught in imagination
She touched now,
Got caught in time
She touched here,
Got caught in a distance
She ate a thought
Got caught in a belief
She ate a belief
Got caught in a conditioning
She ate a conditioning
Got caught in a reaction
She ate a memory
got caught in a projection
She ate a fear
Got caught in hell
She ate all those
and dreamed she was Alice
a slave
Alice had a great fall
She went up the tree,
sat on a branch
And saw little Alice
down there
Touching and eating
and… getting caught !
As she witnessed all those
She fell…
And fell …
And fell …
Like Humpty Dumpty
who sat on a wall
Alice had a great fall
All the King’s horses
and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Alice back
Together again…
Empty and free
She is
As Is
Alice had a great fall
She vanished into
And Here
She’s merged into God’s Heart
There was a great fall
Empty and free she is