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I was
November 16, 2021

A poem about my journey with my Master Moojibaba.

I was

Inside my veins your name whispered
as softly woven branches of a tree,
hands clasped towards the heavens, I was.

Adrift in the caverns of my mind
a noose around my throat, so blind
to the chains of the turning seasons of life, I was.

No corner left unveiled in this miracle of grace,
or in the imagined cry of a child’s game, drowning
in the perfume of a thousand lilies, I was.

From the voiceless void your medicine poured
deep into my belly, filling up the darkness
where never a candle dared to shine, I was.

“Know thyself”, your breath exhaling into my lungs
as His holy name baptised the seed of my heart.
For only in you, this sacred wonder of Life… I Am.

About Janya

I started writing poetry after many years at Moojibaba's feet. I never know when the poems will come out, but there is usually a pain inside that needs to be acknowledged. His voice shines inside me when something needs to be seen or looked at, and then the words reveal themselves. Everything is only in reverance and gratitude to Him. He has saved my life.

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