On discovering I've been pretending to be an arrogant ass … such sillyness! The joy of realising that 'me' is not me, after all.
I was an arrogant ass
and Life beat me with blows
until I bowed my head
and then it fed
all the sweet grass,
the sweetest!
in existence;
more than a poor ass
could eat!
I didn't know I was an ass,
I thought I was right
and righteous
that I was making a better world
and a better me
but really I was filled with
noise and foolishness
hot air, and empty promises,
wild emotions, and habits
that I just couldn't put down
It was a trial to be me
and be around me,
surrounded by donkeys
as a donkey
Now there is no storm
even when it's thundering
Now the heart is home
and existence is a blessing
Now everything turns upside-down
and inside-out
and all the truths are lies
and all the lies are gifts
in disguise
and all the world is gone
but here, more here
than ever!
and all the world is song
just a'singing
in perfect-key
and all that's 'me' unravels
I'm dead, yet finally living!
There's nothing left to do,
nothing undone
and so I'm done for
and it's ecstacy
beyond all concepts
beyond all precepts;
I can't forget
I'm not that donkey!
Oh, lucky donkey!
It's so glorious to be
this lucky lucky
I was knocked on my ass
and that's just what was needed
for this ass of a 'me'.
May all asses
be knocked ass-about
as many times as needbe
so that they too know our blessedness!
Crazy grace indeed!